• Sustainability professionals who lead or are responsible for driving forward a sustainability agenda within their organisation

    Business leaders who are trying to make the world a better place

    Volunteers who are mobilising communities and taking action to create environmentally sustainable norms

    Activists I would love to support you and I offer extra free coaching sessions as a thank you. If you’re putting your body on the line and want a safe space to be heard please do get in touch!

  • Working together means that you will: 

    • learn to trust your internal navigation so you don't need to ask others for the next step or spin in indecision for weeks

    • cultivate a positive mindset and be able to choose the stories you tell yourself, this means you'll have a huge set of tools that allow you to quiet inner critic voices and calm your nervous system

    • feel confident to befriend, or at least approach, and cultivate authentic and essential relationships with crucial keystone actors (from CEOs, CFOs, and heads of departments to assistants, office managers and grounds staff) so that months of work developing a sustainability policy or project isn't dumped at the last minute and can be smoothly implemented

    • find and clarify what you love doing and allowing that to be your compass for activism so you can do epic things without burning out

    Side benefits often include: 

    • feeling more energetic and spaciousness in your life because it becomes easier to say ‘no’ to commitments that aren't aligned with your values 

    • a community and new friendships, shifting out of relationships that leach from you to finding, or starting to find, people that love you just as you are

  • Coaching helped me deal with the 3Ps of paralysis (perfectionism, people pleasing and procrastination) so that I could take practical action fuelled by a sense of community and curiosity.

    I often find that once space has been held for clients to process their climate grief – for example, fears for grandchildren, choosing to fly less and the places and people that cuts them off from – the sessions move onto both everyday and profound concerns:

    • Feeling comfortable to have a conversation about climate change with anyone and not turn into a blushing hot mess

    • Being able to tell a family member ‘no’ when you want some alone time to refuel

    • Offering feedback to employees in a way that supports them to feel seen and capable

    • Kindling your passion for play and creativity and then feeling confident to put your ideas out into the world

    • Figuring out what you really want and accepting that contributing to the causes you're passionate about in ways that you enjoy is enough

    I’m here for all of it.

  • Working with me will be challenging at times, because if we want to do things differently we have to burn down some old, familiar and cosy thought patterns. Doing something when it's uncomfortable and scares you can be a good thing (I get it! Check out Episode 3 of the Joyful Climate Writing podcast). But I’ll only go where you want to go, you are the ultimate expert on you. In fact, this is a foundational concept in my certification with the Ethical Coaching Collective.

    It’s also going to be a lot of fun. Check out my testimonials below, I know how to keep it light even when we're talking about heavy stuff - which let’s face it is going to come up when we’re talking about climate chaos.

    This is going to feel like an incredibly safe and supportive space for you. I’m forking good at holding space for others, holding up a mirror so they better understand their fears, desires and actions. I can handle tears and frustration, even if it's directed at me, you'll surprised if you’ve not invested in yourself how forking good it feels to have space that is all about you and processing your emotions.

    That being said, this isn’t a space for spiralling in our 💩. It’s amazing to express your emotions and feel them in your body, especially if you aren’t familiar with doing this, but I’m also going to give you the tools to make a change, to centre yourself in calm and clarity and take action from there.

I've had my own battles with climate anxiety and grief - from avoiding speaking to family and friends because they didn't 'get' why I wasn't flying to see them, to days swallowed by doom scrolling - and I've spent years studying sustainable consumption and how to live within planetary boundaries trying to figure out the best way to turn around runaway climate change.

And I did.

At least in the sense of learning to play my part in a way that feels like enough and keeps me going, rather than feeling too small to do anything.

Along the way I became a qualified coach, changed organisation's environmental policies, set up community resilience projects and found peace in my allotment.

I want to help you also figure out how you can keep trying to create more sustainable systems from a place of enjoyment, rather than sacrifice.


  • Sustainable Food Professional. Brighton, UK

    Whether it's work, relationships, climate-related or - as often tends to the case - a tangle of them all, she has the ability to help you connect those things, to understand the bigger picture. Katherine has this really incredible way of asking just the right questions to help you find your own answers, and making it just feel like a conversation with a really smart, loving friend - so easy and safe, and incredibly empowering.

  • Sustainability PhD. St Andrews, UK

    It has been a pleasure and a joy to work through a set of interrelated issues with Katherine which I took to our coaching sessions and were holding me back in life. She is a skilled, intuitive and warm practitioner, approaching her sessions and clients with an open heart and a gentleness which I have seldom seen in my experience in different forms of self-work over the years. Katherine offered the right balance of ‘here is what I am hearing/my perspective/experience’ and ‘what’s this for you/where do you feel that/what is that goblin telling you’. The combination of insights and questions makes for enjoyable and valuable sessions.

  • Sustainable Transport Professional. Edinburgh, UK

    After a period of feeling stuck and alone, Katherine helped me find the tools within myself to flourish. Over six sessions I transformed my relationship with my mother, work and the world at large. Little things that caused great annoyance or anxiety have melted away and I’m seeing progress week by week.

    I have decided to continue for another six sessions with Katherine as I can see the power coaching can bring to one’s personal and professional lives. Trust the process. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but great things are on their way.

  • Sustainability Professional, UK

    I’ve greatly benefited from my coaching sessions with Katherine. The sessions were often challenging but affirming and rewarding, and Katherine’s warm and non-judgemental manner made me feel I was in safe hands. Katherine taught me to reprogram my ‘gremlins’ and helped me gain more confidence in my career and abilities. I now feel calmer in confrontational situations and more secure in myself. I recommend Katherine’s coaching to anyone who wants to make changes in their life - big or small!

  • Health Professional, USA

    What a fun experience! Katherine was patient and empathetic while also pushing me to look inward and identify maladaptive thought patterns. Often this process left me feeling silly for having held certain beliefs in the first place, yet Katherine was always kind and supportive and gave me a safe space to make these uncomfortable realizations. Most impressively, I found her coaching to be highly relevant and applicable to my life and career, even though we are in completely different fields of work and live on different continents!

  • Academic Researcher, UK

    What I learned from coaching with Katherine is thinking about work differently which started with understanding how I work. Keeping a writing log helped me face how I feel each time I sit down and write and get in the habit of checking in with myself. I cannot emphasise enough how helpful listening to yourself is. And having someone listen to you intensely reminded me that attention is truly the best gift one can offer to another human being! Katherine's feedback on my writing log provided me with fresh and useful insight as well as a sense of accountability. Katherine asks challenging questions, that were sometimes really difficult to process, but gave me food for thought over many weeks. The follow up resources and readings meant I didn’t feel left alone to figure out where to go between sessions.